2022-06-17 09:50:20
临床特征 创伤性改变常发生于黑素细胞痣,尤其是隆起型或外生型痣(球状痣)。由衣物、刮削或擦伤导致的机械性刺激(即使并不明显)是最常见的外伤原因。靶样含铁血黄素沉积性痣(THN)患者常诉先前存在的痣色素突然改变,且常常无明确外伤。常见症状为压痛和瘙痒。典型的临床表现为突发的瘀斑、紫红色晕,,无自觉症状。儿童和青少年多见,通常累及胸上部。Patrizi等人提出,THN之所以罕见是由于其自发性,以及快速消退性。主要与靶样含铁血黄素沉积性血管瘤(THH)相鉴别,THH临床表现为躯干或四肢单个小型环状靶样皮损,青年多见。其他鉴别诊断包括黑素瘤、创伤性血管角化瘤、含铁血黄素沉积性皮肤纤维瘤和徽章痣。
皮肤镜 靶样含铁血黄素沉积性痣显示为球状黑素细胞痣的典型特征:在痣上及其周围(尤其是不规则大小和形状的墨黑色区域)有血管出血性改变,为红色至紫色(或黑色),通常可见逗点状血管。靶样晕显示,浅色且边界不清的内区周围绕以伴有锯齿状边缘的均质性红色区域。在发展过程中,,瘀斑晕最终消失,无复发倾向。皮肤镜对区分黑色素沉着中的血液是非常有帮助的,并且有助于鉴别THH与TNH。
反射式共聚焦显微镜 尚无描述THN反射式共聚焦显微镜特征的文献。本文报道了1例(RCM能显示复合痣的特征)外围有环状图案,且伴有密集和稀疏细胞巢的病例。真皮浅层内,痣细胞和黑素细胞巢与溢出的红细胞和炎性细胞融合。
处理 推荐局部抗炎药或类肝素乳膏治疗1-2周,从而帮助症状消退。若在一个月内色素痣不能恢复典型外观,则可采取手术切除。
图9. 靶样含铁血黄素沉积性痣。基线处的临床图片(a),和皮肤镜图像(b)显示边界不清的内区周围绕以伴有锯齿状边缘的均质性红色区域。外用类固醇乳膏治疗15天后,同一皮损的皮肤镜(c)图像。,瘀斑晕消失。(d)表皮真皮交界处基线的RCM拼接图像显示,外围存在环状图案(白色箭头)。(e)痣细胞与黑素细胞巢(圆圈内)与溢出的红细胞和炎性细胞融合(红色箭头)。
临床特征 结缔组织增生性痣(硬化性)是一种鲜少报道且无明显特征的良性黑素细胞增生,目前仅有数篇病例分析报告发表。临床上,DN通常为小型(直径可达1cm)肉色、红色或轻度色沉的丘疹或结节,常见于中青年(平均年龄30岁)的四肢,女性略为多见。组织病理学上,DN以梭形或上皮样黑素细胞为特征,且伴有容易嵌入纤维间质的假核。DN属于伴有促结缔组织成分的皮肤增生性疾病病谱(包括皮肤纤维瘤、硬化性蓝痣、促结缔组织增生性SN、DN以及结缔组织增生性黑素瘤组成)。它们的差异有时可能会给临床医师和组织病理学家的诊断带来困难。
皮肤镜 目前仅报道3例患者的皮肤镜特征:粉红色的红斑上覆细小的浅棕色网状物。DN在颜色和结构通常对称,并且缺乏黑素瘤特征性表现。皮肤纤维瘤和DN的共有特征为:皮损位于四肢,其大小介于几mm至1或2cm之间。从临床上来说,两者的皮损都表现为坚硬的丘疹或结节,有时可能会引起如疼痛或瘙痒之类的临床症状。然而,,但在DN患者中均未见到(图10)。
反射式共聚焦显微镜 暂无结缔组织增生性痣的反射式共聚焦显微镜特征的描述。本文报道了1例患者在皮肤浅层显示有规则的蜂巢状图案,无非典型细胞和paget样扩散。在真皮表皮交界处可见边缘形状规则的乳突。共焦显微镜无法观测到皮下增生的特征。
图10 结缔组织增生性痣。1例多发性痣中年女性患者上臂出现的小型色素性丘疹(箭头)的(a)临床图片和(b)特写。(c)皮肤镜显示褐色红斑上覆细小的浅棕色网状物。可见散在的棕色小球。(d)真皮表皮交界处RCM的拼接图像,可见边缘形状规则的乳突。在皮损的一侧,表皮棘层增厚(白色方框),可见乳突间距增大。见相应的皮肤镜图像(b,白色方框)。由于工具贯穿深度的限制,因此无法检测到皮下增生的特征。
处理 基于DN的发展进程及其罕见的皮肤镜特征,因此大多数患者需切除DN。主要与结缔组织增生性黑素瘤(常见于老年患者的日光暴露部位)鉴别诊断。
临床特征 目前仅介绍了5例白色发育异常黑素细胞痣(DMN)患者。这些痣临床表现为白色至浅红色斑疹且皮肤纹理加深,侧光照下观察可见银色“光亮”外观。白色DMN的临床鉴别诊断包括特发性点状白斑、扁平疣、黑色素减退斑、皮肤松垂、白色糠疹、色素减退性蕈样肉芽肿、白癜风、炎症后色素减退、硬化性萎缩性苔藓、浅表性局限性硬皮病以及麻风病。切向光照下所见到的银色光亮为白色DMN临床诊断的线索。在上述5例DMN患者中有4例黑素瘤患者,其中2例患有2种原发性无黑素性黑素瘤。因此白色DMA与多发性原发性无黑素性黑素瘤有明显关联,但系列病例分析提示占所有黑素瘤发生率<2%。在此,本文介绍另外1例69岁且伴有黑素瘤的白色DMN女性患者,其背部有一个浅表扩散型黑素瘤(厚度为0.5mm)。原发性黑素瘤附近可见银色光亮的圆形斑疹,组织病理学诊断为发育不良痣。组织病理学显示浓染和多形性细胞核的非典型黑素细胞数量增加,成巢并且以独立的个体排列,主要位于真皮表皮交界处和真皮层(图11.)。
图11 白色发育不良痣。(a)1例69岁女性患者上背部的非典型色素性皮损(b)色素性皮损特写,组织学诊断为浅表性扩散型黑素瘤(厚度为0.5mm)。黑素瘤附近发现有银色光亮的皮损(箭头)。(c)组织病理学。低倍率组织学检查发现,表皮有雀斑样增生和乳突局部桥连。(d)高倍率镜下,可见单个黑素细胞不规则散布在交界处,并见细胞异型。
皮肤镜 由于色素沉着完全缺失,因此没有这些皮损的皮肤镜特征报告。
反射式共聚焦显微镜 目前尚无白色发育不良痣的RCM描述。
处理 为排除白色DMN,应对出现白色至浅红色斑疹且皮肤纹理加深,但不能明确分类的患者进行活组织检查。此外,应特别留意白色DMN和黑素瘤之间可能存在的联系。
临床特征 气球样细胞痣是公认的组织学诊断,其临床表现与其他色素痣类似。病理组织学上,BCN是以明显或完整的大型水泡性的透明细胞(称为气球状细胞)为特点。气球细胞是伴有浅染色且胞质呈空泡状(通常是黑素体形成存在缺陷)的黑素细胞。
皮肤镜 Stolz 等人先前在彩色图谱中已介绍BCN的皮肤镜特征。近期,Jaimes等人报道有大量聚集的白色球状结构,其与气球样细胞痣巢相对应(图12)。
反射式共聚焦显微镜 尚无气球样细胞痣的RCM描述。在本文介绍的1例患者中,其白色球状结构对应黑素细胞巢。巢内的黑素细胞以胞质呈空泡状为特点,见环绕暗色核的光亮区域(图12)。
图12 气球样细胞痣。(a)皮肤镜,显示大量聚集的白色球状结构,与气球样细胞巢对应。外围可见浅棕色规则网络。(b)真皮浅层的RCM显示密集的细胞巢聚集。(c)黑素细胞巢特写,巢内的黑素细胞以胞质呈空泡状为特点,见环绕暗色核(红色箭头)的光亮区域(白色箭头)。
Targetoid haemosiderotic nevus
Clinical features The occurrence of traumatic changes is frequent in melanocytic nevi, particularly in those that are elevated or exophytic (globular nevi). Mechanical irritation, even not apparent, by clothing, shaving or scratching is most common causes of injury.Targetoid haemosiderotic nevus (THN) is reported by patients as a sudden change in pigmentation in a previously known nevus, and it is very frequent that they do not recognize the injury. Tenderness and itching are common symptoms. The typical clinical appearance is the sudden development of an asymptomatic ecchymotic, violaceous halo causing a target-like phenomenon around a long-lasting central elevated nevus. It presents more often in children and young adults, usually localized on the upper part of the thorax. Patrizi et al. propose that the rarity of THN is due to its spontaneous and rapid regression. The major differential diagnosis is with targetoid haemosiderotic haemangioma (THH) that clinically presents as a single, small, annular target-like lesion on the trunk or an extremity of young adults. Other differential diagnoses include melanoma, traumatized angiokeratoma, haemosiderotic dermatofibroma and cockade nevus.
Regarding histopathology, fibrin deposits, extravasates of erythrocytes and an increased number of ectatic blood vessels with hobnail endothelial cells are seen, amalgamated with nevus cells. Peripheral halo is characterized by extensive haemorrhage and haemosiderin deposits in concert with irregular, thin-walled, slit-shaped vascular channels that dissect between collagen bundles of the papillary dermis. A mild inflammatory infiltrate mainly composed by eosinophils is observed. After the eczema disappears, only scant haemosiderin deposits, fibrosis and few collapsed vascular lumina in the papillary and mid-reticular dermis are seen.
Dermoscopy Targetoid haemosiderotic nevus shows the typical features of globularmelanocytic nevus with vascular haemorrhagic (red to purple or black) changes superimposed on the nevus and particularly surrounding it: especially irregularly sized and shaped, jet-black areas and often comma-shaped vessels can be seen. The targetoid halo demonstrates a pale, ill-defined inner area surrounded by a homogeneous reddish zone with peripheral-jagged margins. In the evolution, the central nevus persists and the ecchymotic halo ultimately disappears, with no tendency to recur. Dermoscopy is very helpful to differentiate blood from melanin pigmentation, and helps to differentiate THN fromTHH (Fig. 9).
Reflectance confocal microscopy There is no description in the literature of a THN, up to date. Herein we report on a case, where RCM was able to show the features of a compound nevus, with presence of a ringed pattern at the periphery and dense and sparse nests. In the superficial dermis nevus cells and melanocytic nests were amalgamated with extravasated erythrocytes and inflammatory cells (Fig. 9).
Management One or two weeks of treatment with local anti-inflammatories or a heparinoid cream is recommended to facilitate the regression of the phenomenon. If the nevi do not recover a typical appearance within a month, surgical excision should be performed.
Uncommon variants
Desmoplastic nevus
Clinical features Desmoplastic (sclerotic) nevus is an infrequently reported, poorly characterized, benign melanocytic proliferation, with only few case series published to date. Clinically, DN is usually a small (up to 1 cm in diameter), flesh-coloured, erythematous, or slightly pigmented papule or nodule often occurring on the extremities of young adults (average age, 30 years), with a slight female predominance. Histopathologically, DN are characterized by spindle-shaped or epithelioid melanocytes, with readily appreciable pseudonucleoli embedded within a fibrotic stroma. DN is included in the spectrum of dermal proliferations with a desmoplastic component composed by dermatofibroma, sclerotic blue nevus, desmoplastic SN, DN and desmoplastic melanoma. Their differentiation can sometimes represent a diagnostic dilemma for both clinicians and histopathologists.
Dermoscopy Dermoscopically, only three cases have been described up to now, exhibiting a tiny light brown network lying on a pinkish erythematous background. DN is usually symmetric in colour and structure and devoid of any melanoma-specific criteria. Features shared by dermatofibroma and DN include their location on the extremities and their size ranging between few millimetres and 1 or 2 cm. Clinically, both lesions appear as firm papules or nodules that may sometimes cause clinical symptoms such as pain or itch. However, clinical dimpling sign and the dermoscopic central white patch surrounded by a delicate pigment network are specific features of dermatofibroma that were not seen in our cases of DN (Fig. 10).
Reflectance confocal microscopy Reflectance confocal microscopy features of desmoplastic nevus have not been yet described. Here, we present one case, showing a regular honeycombed pattern in the superficial layers, with no atypical cells nor pagetoid spread. At the level of DEJ regularly shaped edged papillae were visualized. No features of the underling dermal proliferation were detectable by means of confocal microscopy (Fig 10).
Management In most of the cases, DN are removed because a history of changes and because of their unusual dermatoscopic features. Main differential diagnosis is with desmoplastic melanoma, which is more frequently seen in old patients on sunexposed areas.
White dysplastic nevus
Clinical features Up to date, five patients with white dysplastic melanocytic nevi (DMN) have been described. These nevi appear clinically as white to pale red macules with accentuated skin markings and a silvery ‘shining’ appearance when observed with tangential light. Clinical differential diagnosis of these white DMN include idiopathic guttate, flat warts, hypomelanosis, anetoderma, pityriasis alba, hypopigmented mycosis fungoides, vitiligo, post-inflammatory hypopigmentation, lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, superficial morphea and leprosy. The silvery shine seen under tangential light is a clue for clinical diagnosis of white DMN. Notably, of the five patients with white DMN, four patients had a melanoma with two of them presenting with two primary amelanotic melanomas. The association of white DMN with multiple primary amelanotic melanoma is significant given that primary amelanotic melanoma is rare, with the largest series suggesting an incidence of <2% of all melanomas. Herein, we present an additional case of white DMN associated with melanoma in a 69-year-old women, who presented with a superficial spreading melanoma (0.5 mm thickness) on the back. Close to the primary melanoma, a silvery shining roundish macule was seen, which has been histopathologically diagnosed a dysplastic nevus. Histologically, this lesion showed an increased number of atypical melanocytes with hyperchromatic and pleomorphic nuclei, arranged as solitary units and in nests, mainly at the DEJ and the papillary dermis (Fig. 11).
Dermoscopy There are no reports of the dermoscopy of these lesions due to complete absence of pigmentation.
Reflectance confocal microscopy There is no description on white dysplastic nevi up to know.
Management To rule out white DMN, biopsy should be taken from patients who present with white to pale-red macules with accentuated skin markings, which cannot be clearly classified. In addition, special attention should be paid to the possible association of white DMN with melanoma.
Clinical features Balloon cell nevus is a well-recognized histological entity, having a clinical presentation that is not distinctive. Histologically, BCN is characterized by a predominance or complete occurrence of large, vesicular, clear cells, called balloon cells. Balloon cells are defined as melanocytes with pale-staining and vacuolated cytoplasms, which often have a defect in melanosome formation.
The most common site of the lesion appears to be the head and neck area, followed by the trunk and extremities. Male to female ratio is almost 1: 1 similar. BCN presents mainly in the first three decades of life and it is usually asymptomatic, generally brown and may appear as a smooth papule or may be polipoid.
Dermoscopy Dermoscopy of BCN have been described previously only in the colour atlas by Stolz et al. and in recent report by Jaimes et al., revealing numerous aggregated white globular structures that correspond to ballon cell nevi nests (Fig. 12).
Reflectance confocal microscopy Balloon cell nevus have never been described in RCM. Here, we describe one case in which white globular structures correspond to melanocytic nests. Melanocytes within the nests are characterized by the presence of a vacuolized cytoplasm, visible as shiny areas surrounding a dark nucleus (Fig. 12).
Management Balloon cell nevus is considered a benign lesion and management should be conservative.
Melanocytic nevi may sometimes display features deviating from well-characterized aspect of junctional, compound or dermal nevi. Peculiar histopathological subtypes or traumatic, inflammatory or immunodriven phenomena may result in unusual clinical presentations of common nevi. Recognition of clinical, dermoscopic and when available, RCM features of these nevi may be helpful in everyday clinical practice to improve diagnostic accuracy.
由MediCool医库软件涂秀丽 吴茵芸编译,上海市皮肤病医院陈裕充博士审核
原文来自:JEADV 2014, 28, 833–845
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