全球领先的市场研究公司之一,在全世界的100多个国家开展市场研究服务,在亚太区的18个国家都设有分支机构,是制药和保健行业全球领先的市场情报资源提供商。这家拥有50多年历史的企业提供一流的商业情报产品和服务,满足客户的日常经营需求,产品组合优化服务、产品上市和品牌管理解决方案、销售人员效率创新、管理式医疗(managed care)和非处方(OTC)产品以及咨询和服务解决方案以提高全球优质保健服务的投资回报率并改善产品供应水平。2005财政年度,IMS Health公司的营业收入是18亿美元,在全球共有员工6900多名。IMSHealth Inc.公司主要提供区域性销售报告、产业跟踪报告和行业的诊断预测服务等。这些研究成果通常被药物生产厂家作为衡量和预测产品销售情况的重要依据。
1. 确定最优人力资源运营常规,为中国员工提供优质及时的人力资源运营服务
2. 与HR业务合作伙伴合作以确保日常工作流程的进行和标准化
Job Summary (Purpose of the job):
Identify best HR operational practices and provides quality andtimely HR operation services to China employees. Collaborate with HR businesspartners to ensure delivery of streamlined processes, standardization .
1. 确保HR日常工作按照当地的行政法规来执行,包括但不限于:员工入职与离职程序、PS系统的更新、 离职制度更新、劳动合同的签署/续订、试用期管理、外籍人员津贴管理、签证管理、薪资相关业务支持等
2. 及时提供高质量的服务和/或管理管理相关分配流程的服务交付标准
3. 与多个利益相关者紧密合作,确保与企业、HR伙伴以及员工的无缝对接以及面对面
4. 主动寻求客户反馈,以确定流程改进、标准化和分配过程中的生产率
5. 专业、礼貌、及时地就有关专业领域的复杂问题/要求提供咨询
6. 确保在适当的控制下保持高标准的准确性和质量,并有义务地遵守相关的法律和IMS政策要求
7. 通过积极促进和改进HR流程和与IMS HR社区建立强有力的工作关系,确保有效的沟通和及早识别需求和任何服务问题
8. 培养优质的客户服务文化和持续的流程改进
9. 为分配的过程提供特殊的操作支持
Major Duties Performed (Main Functions):
1. Ensureexecution of HR operations processes in compliance with relevant localregulatory laws in Employee life circle including but not limited in EmployeesOn Boarding & Exit Process, PS System updates, leave system updates laborcontract sign /renew , probation management , expatriates allowance management, visa management, payroll related operations support etc
2. Deliverservice in a timely manner with high quality and/or manage service deliverymetrics in relation to the assigned process
3. Workin close partnership with multiple stakeholders to ensure seamless wing-to-wingprocesses and one face to Business and HR Partners and employees.
4. Proactivelyseek customer feedback to identify areas for process improvement,standardisation and productivity within assigned process
5. Adviseon complex questions/requests concerning the area of expertise in aprofessional, courteous & timely manner
6. Ensurethat high standards of accuracy and quality are maintained with appropriatecontrols in place, taking accountability for compliance with relevant legal andIMS policy requirements
7. Developa strong working relationship with the IMS HR community through proactivefacilitation & improvement of HR processes, ensuring effectivecommunication and early identification of requirements & any service issues
8. Fostera culture of customer service excellence and continuous process improvement.
9. Providead-hoc operational support for assigned process
1. 本科以上学历
2. 至少一年的人力资源或相关人力资源领域的工作经验
3. 了解人力资源相关政策、程序、制度以及当地法律
4. 熟练使用人力资源软件包、微软办公(word、excel、PPT)等
5. 良好的人际交往、书面和口头沟通能力
6. 能够通过适度的分析以及信息收集来解决非常规问题
7. 注重细节, 有较强的逻辑分析基础和良好的团队合作精神
Minimum Education, Experience, & Specialized KnowledgeRequired:
1. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent and aminimum of one (1) year of experience in a Human Resources or related HumanResources support field or equivalent combination of education and experience.
2. Knowledge of human resources policies,procedures and systems, as well as local law
3. Proficiency in human resources softwarepackages, Microsoft Office, Word, Excel and Power Point.
4. Excellent interpersonal, written andverbal communication skills.
5. Ability to carry out moderate analysisand information gathering to resolve problems on non-routine matters.
6. Detail oriented , strong analyticallogic foundation and a good team player
1. 1年工作经验者,薪资5500-7500/m;2-3年及以上工作经验者薪资可适当协商
2. 六险一金,公司全额为员工购买商业补充保险(含门诊报销)
3. 外企标配福利,年假等齐全
1. 合同暂与Manpower签订6个月的外包合约,为顶替休产假员工,根据自身表现情况以及原员工是否回司而定是否有续签或内部转岗机会。可能性如下:1、休产假员工假期后不回司,你的工作表现出色,顶替职位续签2、休产假员工假期后回司,你的工作表现出色,公司为你增加一个headcount续签3、员工回司,公司政策无法增加你的headcount,合约自动期满不续签
2. 请务必确保简历真实无误,如学历背景、工作经历、任职时间、薪资情况等,如参加面试后即使拿到offer,可能会有背景调查环节,如简历有出入,会取消offer
Manpower(佛山)Team OfficeRecruitment consultant:Joey Zeng0757-81232002
所有全国职位发布请查看智联账号: 请发简历到joey.zeng@cn.manpowergroup.com